Most people choose to meet once a month, but you can meet more or less, depending on your needs. Sessions last an hour and a quarter (75 minutes) and what you share is held in confidence.
Can I try it and quit if it's not for me?
Yes. If you decide it's not a good fit for you in this time of your life, you are always free to take a break.
Where do we meet?
You can meet with me no matter where you live. Introductory meetings are generally held at coffee shops, and after that I usually meet with people in my home in West Seattle. I also meet by phone or Skype.
Is there a fee?
Yes, there is a fee for services. Please contact me for more information. I want spiritual direction to be accessible for anyone who desires it and so I also provide a sliding fee scale for those who are in need of a reduced rate. There is no charge for the introductory session.
Is spiritual direction counseling?
Spiritual direction is not psychological counseling. Therapy and counseling seek healthy resolutions for issues. Spiritual direction is concerned with responding to God in life. There are times when it is beneficial to work with a counselor in addition to spiritual direction.